As I sit here drinking my "peacefuL mama" tea I am so very thankful that this pregnancy insomnia only hits me on occasion! I will just lay awake for hours...thinking of all the things I want to do and need to do! I will think about my day and how the next few days will go...I will think about the baby and wonder who he is going to look like...I will plan out how I want the baby's room to look...I will think of how much work I have to do at work and the expectations that there are so many things to get done...I think about all the crafts I'd love to do...I think about new foods I'd like to try and make...I think and ponder and plan for hours on end! It's not that I am not tired because I really am it's just that my mind is racing and just will not slow down!!! One of my friends gave me this wonderful box of tea that included my peaceful mama tea and now every time I experience these bouts of insomnia I am able to get up from bed, make myself a cup of tea and get back to bed within thirty minutes or so feeling much more calm and ready to rest!!! It has truly been a blessing and I would recommend it to all those prego ladies out there that are suffering from any kind of insomnia!!! The box of tea also included a morning wellness tea, heart burn tea, and third trimester tea! It's a wonderful little box with lots of remedies!!!
So some of the things I've been thinking about this evening include the baby room, whether or not I will have electricity in the morning to make my blueberry French toast casserole, if I should invest in earthquake insurance, if earthquake insurance is even needed, training my dog, making baby blankets, scrap booking, church, painting/decorating the youth room at church, whether a tree will fall on my house during this hurricane and work! So needless to say my mind is not at rest but hopefully here shortly I will be able to get back to bed and get some much needed sleep!!!
Glad the tea thing's workin for ya. Sounds like great tea (for pregos, that is)! I'm also a fan of tea. My faves are Cinnamon Plum from The Republic of Tea and Twinings' African Honeybush, Mandarin & Orange. I'll have to share some with you!