Sunday, March 13, 2011

Glorious Sundays

After a dreary week today was such a beautiful day!!!

I wanted to spend time outside but felt the need to do my paperwork... J encouraged me to spend some time outside with Fonzie while he washed the cars SO I decided hey an hour of this sun shiny day could do my heart good!  So outside I went with a blanket and a book to settle down and supervise Fonzie while he was playing!  I decided to only spend an hour reading so that I could also get some paperwork done!  I was very engrossed in my book and did not want to put it down and felt that according to my watch I had plenty of time for paperwork!  It was only when I realized that I forgot to set my watch back an hour (daylight savings fun fun) that I realized I had no time left, we had to leave in an 30 minutes for Church and due to my lack of supervision of the Fonzie he also needed a bath!  So that left no time for paperwork!  I must say it was really nice to just relax in the sun under a blazing blue sky and read! 

My View

Rolling around in the leaves...

Completely Covered in leaves!

 Can't wait to see leaves up there!!!

Enjoying the sunshine!!!
If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.
Frank Lane

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