Saturday, April 2, 2011

Favorite Season

So my dear gal pal Kels has posted a $25 Starbucks Card Giveaway on her lovely blog AND I have decided that who doesn't love $25 to spend at Starbucks so I will comply with what the blog wishes...  According to K we had to post on her blog our favorite Starbucks drink (mind is a Grande iced white peppermint mocha with whip) and one of the other things we had to do was to tell our favorite season which I figured I'd blog about. 

What is my favorite season?  Tis a very good question.  I've always thought that it was Summer with the lusciously warm weather and time to spend at the pool but as I've aged I've begun to appreciate each season with the respect that they all deserve!  I truly adore every season (by the end of the season I am usually ready for the next).  There are so many splendid things that accompany each season!

Spring-  We are entering into spring full force around these parts and it is so exciting!  The hints of new growth, fresh flowers, mild temperatures, April showers and lots of birthdays (both of my parents birthdays and both of J's parents birthdays are in the spring)!

Summer- I love summer for so many reasons!  My birthday happens in the summer, its hot, the sun shines almost every day, I get to go to the pool (this year more that most! woot...and that means Kels I am coming swimming at your house this summer), spending time with friends, making homemade ice cream, gardening and canning!

Fall- The colorful foliage gets me every fall!  It is so magnificent!  Fall brings lots of fun craft festivals, cooler temperatures, my anniversary and the start of a new school year.

Winter- Its one of those seasons that is much anticipated and then after many many months of it I am ready for spring.  I love sitting by the fire, reading good books, sipping hot cocoa (or starbucks coffee) and watching the snow fall.  I love getting snowed in and I even like when the lights go off for just a few hours!  I find it very exciting!   

There are so many great things about each season that its hard to pick a favorite!  :-)  I am certainly glad that Spring is here!  I have new grass growing! Woo Hoo!!!

1 comment:

  1. yay! can't wait to open up the pool and have you over. sounds absolutely incredible
