Sunday, January 29, 2012

Precious Little Miracles

Ten little fingers,
Ten tiny toes,
The sweetest of smiles
And a cute little nose.
All these add up
To a very special thing...
A baby
The greatest of gifts
That life can bring.

Love that sweet little foot!!!
I love babies!  They are such a gift! They are little miracles and sweet blessings!  I had the chance to meet one of the sweetest most precious little miracle babies today that I've ever seen!  One of my best friends gave birth at 27 weeks to this 2lbs. 7oz., 12 inch long bundle of joy!  She sure did create quite an entrance and scared her family half to death but she is a fighter and came out breathing on her own!  How amazing!!!  She is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and I am in awe at the technology and the vast knowledge of the staff!  They are wonderful!  I know that these next few weeks are going to be quite a stress on their family but these little ones are worth it!  We would ride to the moon and back for our dear little babes! I have so much admiration for our Awesome God and the way he created human life!   This little babe is so perfect she has every single feature that a full term newborn has just on a smaller scale! She is a phenomenal little girl and I know big things are planned for this sweet little blessing!!!

She has her "sunbathing" shades on while she is under the lights!
I can't wait to go visit her again!!!

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