Friday, January 28, 2011

What a relaxing week!

I had one of the most relaxing weeks I've ever had while being a working girl!  I had my Lasik Monday afternoon so I didn't go to work.  On Tuesday I had my Lasik appointment and lunch with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law!  Wednesday we had work however we got out two hours early due to snow/hail/sleet/ice stuff.  On Thursday school was canceled all together due to the weather and today we didn't have school because it is between semesters and it was a teacher work day!  So I worked a total of 6 hours this week!  Wowzers!!!  Thursday was quite an exceptional day I got 12 hours of sleep, lounged around with the pup, did a little baking, played the piano and visited with some friends that evening!  It was great!!! 

Fonzie loves to sleep in the sun!!!
 I absolutely love his under-bite!!!  :-)
Today I went to a neighboring town and got some chairs off craigslist for my new craigslist table!!!  They are super comfortable and I got eight of them, so now when I have large groups of people over for dinner not only will I have a large enough table but I will have matching chairs for least eight people!!!  I'm super excited about it!!! 
Here is a picture of one chair and the table!  The table still needs to be finished so I will post more pictures of them together when the table is complete!!!

Tonight we are having a lock-in at our church for the 7th-12th graders!!!  It should be quite an interesting time!!!  We have lots and lots of hilarious activities planned along with a great inspirational video called Indescribable by Louie Giglio, fun games, great snacks, a message, singing and lots of other fun things!!! The only thing I am not looking forward to is not getting any sleep!!! Thankfully I've had such a relaxing week I should be caught up on sleep!!!  My poor hubby on the other hand has had to work everyday (except Wednesday when he had jury duty...which was longer than his regular work day and quite odd) so he will be really really tired come 8:00 on Saturday morning!!!!  My favorite activity is the one we have planned for the girls!  We are splitting into groups and the guys are doing something and then the girls are going to watch a "fashion show" that we the leaders are putting on!  It should be super funny!  We are dressing up in ridiculous looking outfits and strutting our stuff just to make the girls laugh!  I think they will really enjoy it and our pride is a small price to pay to see all of their smiling faces!!!  MAYBE I'll post some pictures of our great outfits!!! 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I can see!

My surgery went really great and I see can quite well!  It is truly amazing the way technology works!  Right after my surgery I could see almost perfect I was just super tired!  Afert a 3 hour nap I was able to stay awake and hang out with the hubby for a while before going back to sleep!  So the next day after my surgery I had a headache but other than that I was great!  My eyes were feeling good and I was seeing really great!  I had an eye appointment with my regular eye doctor and he gave me the report that everything looked awesome and I was seeing better than he expected considering how bad my eyes previously were!  I have to put eye drops in my eyes frequently to help them stay lubricated and to rid my eye of any infections until they completely heal!  They cannot get water in them so I have to wear goggles in the shower and I cannot rub my eyes so I have to also wear these special goggles to sleep in (I've woken up twice now with my goggles off my face and in my hands)!  The goggles are pretty ridiculous looking and I wake up looking a fool every morning but it is quite worth it to not have contacts or glasses anymore.  Sometimes in the evenings my eyes get tired and I want to go "take out my contacts" because I was so used to doing that!  It was definitly an amazing procedure and I am happy I got it done! 

As a side note the doctor who did my surgery told me "Most young women tend to freak out when getting this procedure so remain calm at all times and if you start to get anxious or freak out remember I'll be walking you through it the whole time."  This really irritated me for some reason and I was determined to be the calmest patient he's ever had and I think I succeeded.  Woo Hoo! 

Here's a preview of my lovely goggles I get to wear to bed every night for the next two weeks! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Goodbye Glasses

So today is the day, I will be getting Lasik in like 2.5 hours!  I've really been trying to avoid thinking about the topic so that I don't get nervous or overwhelmed!  However I am really excited about the prospects of not having to wear glasses anymore!  There are a few things that I might miss about glasses but there are a whole lot of things that I will not miss!

Things I will miss about glasses:
1.  I look studious
2.  People seem to take me more seriously

Things I will not miss about glasses:
1.  The way they fog up every time you open the oven door!
2.  The way the fall off your face when you exercise!
3.  Having to put them on in the middle of the night so I won't fall
4.  You cannot wear incredibly huge cute sunglasses
5.  They leave indentations on your nose!

AND I'm sure I could come up with many more things but I will spare you!  Needless to say I am really excited about the idea of no more glasses!!!  I have been wearing glasses since first grade and I started consistently wearing contacts in sixth grade!  For the past 3-4 weeks have I had my glasses on and that's only because with the Lasik surgery you have to have your contacts out ahead of time to give your eyes time to adjust or something!  When I told my kids at work that I was getting the surgery at least three told me that I would look weird without glasses...this is really funny to me because for the past five months I've been working with them and they've only seen me in glasses this past month!  So I guess they just forgot what I look like without glasses?  I've also had three or four other people tell me that it will be so different to see me without my glasses!  I guess people are not very observant and they only remember how you look when you are with them?  who knows!  Wellll the next time I write I will hopefully be glasses/complications free! woo hoo!!!  Ta ta for now!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


According to Wikipedia Procrastination refers to the act of replacing high-priority actions or tasks with low-priority actions, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite such behavior as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision.

I would say that I have to wholeheartedly agree with that statement and it is exactly what I am doing now!  I need to be doing my paperwork that is due tomorrow for work and what am I doing?  I am browsing the internet, creating a scavenger hunt and skits for the youth lock-in next weekend, looking at wedding stuff for my best friends wedding, blogging, crocheting a hat...nothing related to work mind you!  Granted those are all important things in their own time however now is not the time that I need to be doing them!  I do have off tomorrow since I will be getting my Lasik surgery so I can do some of this tomorrow without interruptions however I really need to get part of it done today! 

So far my day has been very unproductive!  I was going to go to church and was really looking forward to it however things didn't happen like they were supposed to...starting last night!  I was going to pick up my prescription eye drops from Walmart that I have to start today for my Lasik surgery and so we arrived to Walmart to get the drops and of course the pharmacy closes at 7:00pm and I arrive at 7:05!!!!!!! I asked 3 people if they could let me in to get my drops so that I could start them this morning and no one could!  According to Federal Law that is illegal!  I had to really practice my deescalation techniques (that I use on kids at work) such as deep breathing and counting to ten so that I wouldn't throw a conniption fit!  I was so close to my drops and had no way of getting them!  So frustrating!  So that meant that I had to come back to Walmart the next morning and consequently I missed church! The hubby is also pretty sick so I spent some of the morning tending to him!  I think he's got a pretty severe migraine!  I did make the most of my extra trip back to town and got some excellent coffee!

I am starting to plan my best friends bridal shower and bachelorette gathering and I am getting super excited!  The shower will be at my house and one of her other bridesmaids is helping me plan!  It's going to be fabulous!  AND I'm even more excited about the bachelorette stuff!  I think all the girls are going to go to the Melting Pot and if you've never been there then you are missing out and then we are coming back to my house for a sleepover!  I'm kicking the hubby and pup out for that night!  (They don't know it yet)  But it is just going to be so much fun and I can't wait to start making invitations and planning other details!  Needless to say I love wedding related stuff and I'm super excited to be her maid of honor so that I can plan all this stuff!!!  Woo Hoo!!!! 
A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.  ~Lois Wyse

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

O Wednesday, Wednesday! Wherefore art thou Wednesday?

Today was slightly better than Monday!  I only got cursed out twice...and it was by the same student so maybe that only counts as once?  This particular student was fussy because the school, his mother and I wouldn't allow him to go home because he was "sick."  Don't get me wrong when you really are sick, yes you do need to go home...however when you get "sick" two to three times a week EVERY week then its really just a ploy to get out of school...I proceeded to tell him to suck it up and stick it that's why he cursed me out... oh well, c'est la vie can't please everyone!  Another one of my students told me again for the 2nd time that I dress like a hillbilly.  Personally I've never seen a hillbilly wear dress pants, a collared shirt and a cardigan...but I guess I am really out of touch with the "hillbilly" attire these days.    

I don't know if I've mentioned that I'm getting Lasik Eye Surgery, and I was super excited and I guess I still am but I'm slightly nervous too.  After reading all the associated "risks and complications" of the surgery then you would be nervous too!  The two biggest "risks" I was super concerned about were all or partial blindness and ........death. I wasn't tooo sure how I felt about the surgery after reading those however I went for the pre-op and now I feel better.  First my regular eye dr. told me there was more of a chance that I would physically be hit by a car than either one of those happen (what a great analogy) and then today the Lasik Dr. told me that there haven't ever been any cases in the USA where anyone has had complete blindness or death!  So that's a much more comforting statistic.  The Dr. I'm using has performed over 50,000 Lasik surgeries so I would think that he's pretty experienced!!!  (OH and before going to my pre-op one of the history teachers at school told me "You'll be fine! Just remember one of the ancient civilizations started performing cataract surgeries with rocks so I'm sure the laser is much safer.")  Cracked me up but at least I feel much more confident and comfortable with the surgery!!! 

After the pre-op, Jon and I went to look at a truck load of broken computers that he contemplated buying.  Another craigslist find!  They were selling the whole lot for 200 and the add said negotiable.  So he looked and found 7 that he thought he could fix and that he wanted and offered the guy half of the money because he was taking less than half of the stuff.  The guy said no he would only take 200 for the 7 items EVEN THOUGH he had on their negotiable and he was only wanted half the stuff?  How is that negotiable...and if you really aren't negotiable then don't say that you are!  How strange, you sure do get some odd balls on craigslist! Needless to say he didn't get the computer stuff.  After the computer adventure we went to our favorite Mexican Restaurant and it was fabulous!!!!  We love love love that place and cannot get enough of it AND the combination dinners are cheaper on Tuesday and Wednesday nights after 6!  So woo hoo!  To end the night I gave Fonzie a bath and blow dried him and now he is incredibly tired and angry with me...Thankfully he is quick to forgive and forget! :-) 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pushing, scratching and punching oh my...

That is how my day started yesterday.  I was in the principals office as soon as I set my bags down!  One of my lovely students (girl) decided to get into a cat fight.  It turned out to be pretty gruesome as far as fights go.  It started with an exchange of inappropriate words, moved on to chest bumping (how odd) and then came the pushing.  After they started pushing then hands started flying.  The girl I work with ended up being very scratched up.  She had claw marks all over her chest, neck, face and some on her arms.  The other girl ended up with a bloody nose and some scratching on her chest and neck.  They were both a hot mess.  Due to my students other issues she probably will not be returning to my program...although she hated me anyways so I guess its just as well.  I feel really bad for her shes had a rough life and I truly felt that I could not make any connection with her and she wouldn't allow me to help her in any way.  

Fighting is unfortunately a very common occurrence where I work.  One day after one of the school dances took place we had 13 fights at school (none of which were my kids thankfully).  There are at least one to two fights a day sometimes upwards to ten.  I've seen cat fights, racial fights, fights over boys, fights over girls, bullying fights, instigated fights, fights over drama, fights over your momma, fights between relatives, fights over anything and everything.  It is so sad to me that teenagers these days cannot solve an argument or disagreement without throwing punches.  They do not sit down and talk things out they just resort to physical violence.  It makes me wonder how they are going to cope in the real world?  Are they going to fight someone every time something doesn't go their way?  Or will they eventually learn that fighting doesn't solve anything.  

I am so thankful to my parents for teaching my an attitude of meekness and benevolence.  I don't ever remember my mom and dad telling me if someone tries to fight you, you need to fight back.  Yes I understand that self defense is something you should have, but most of these fights start verbally first and then escalate upwards so there is plenty of time to get out or cut the fight off before it actually happens.  

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."  Matthew 5:43-48

God does not teach us to fight!  He teaches the exact opposite of fighting.  He teaches love unconditionally...Love those that hurt us.  Love those that despise us.  Love those that irritate us.  Love those that make us angry.  Love. Love. Love.  It is not about fighting because what is fighting really?  According to Wikipedia fighting is "purposeful violent conflict intended to establish dominance over the opposition."  And is that how we really want to be perceived?  I as a Christian want to show love in any way I can, to anyone that will accept it!!!  So that is my goal this week and hopefully for the rest of my life, to love others as God shows his love to me!

Well on the rest of this "snow" day (we didn't get any snow just ice, which is already gone! We now just have rain and fog)  I will be cuddled up reading a good book, finishing paperwork, possibly sanding my new/used table top (craigslist find for $20), doing laundry, making blueberry scones or muffins, napping with Fonzie, and attending Bible study tonight! 

Friday, January 14, 2011

National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Well Fonzie is not a fan of clothing however for celebrations sake he got dressed up in his cute red sweater and socks!!!  He was only in them for five minutes or so but he was miserable the entire time...poor thing!  

 Taking off his socks....
 Trying his best to get off his sweater....
Finally giving up...

"Even the tiniest Poodle or Chihuahua is still a wolf at heart." 
Dorothy Hinshaw Patent (from "Dogs: The Wolf Within")

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Jazzercise.  Yes I admit that I go to Jazzercise classes....and I know what your thinking.... "thats for old women with poofy hair, spandex, leg warmers and classic reebok tennis shoes."  AND some of that my still be true but I've really enjoyed it.  I was very resistant to Jazzercise classes, my mom encouraged me to attend with her for around six months before I actually decided to try it.  When I decided to try it I was feeling pretty desperate.  I was getting ready to go on a cruise and I hadn't exercised regularly in probably 3 years AND things jiggled that previously didn't when I used to exercise....So at my low I begrudgingly agreed to attend with her in late July 2010.  I had no intention of liking it or ever going back but I agreed to go one to get her off my back about going with her and two I really just don't enjoy exercising unless it involves a pool or a volleyball court!  In all reality I loath exercising...I find going to the dentist and getting cavities filled without any Novocain more fulfilling than running or any other strenuous forms of exercise. 

I went to Jazzercise and found out amazingly that I loved it.  This is a big deal...the person who hates exercising actually enjoying it and continuing to go and its now January 2011!  I am proudly the youngest person there and I am in fact the most uncoordinated.  I look like a flamingo on ecstasy.  I flail my arms and legs, I have trouble following the routines and once I've finally mastered something they move onto another move and the whole process starts over again.  I also turn the brightest shade of red you've ever seen on a human.  I'm talking sunburn red the entire time I'm working out!  It's so much fun and I really do get a great workout.  I come home so utterly exhausted and I am sore for days.  All in all it really is a great time.  Tonight I went to class and afterward this lady probably in her early 50's asked me if I wanted a coupon for 12 free days of Jazzercise to give to a friend to come with me...I'm thinking she asked me because one she felt sorry for me that I am the youngest person there or two she wants my friends to witness how ridiculous I look amid all these older ladies?  I don't know but I sure did take the coupon and am going to have to find a friend! 

I am truly amazed by the Jazzercise instructor.  Shes phenomenal.  She can workout, dance, stand on her head and talk all at the same time while not even messing up her hair or turning red in the face!  Not fair.  She never sounds winded, comes to class every day, never takes a day off, and even jazzes when sick!  I would never make a good instructor as I get winded after the first song and I am not that dedicated!   

After class I decided that I worked so incredibly hard that I would waste it by drinking a large banana milkshake!  At least it did have banana in it which is healthy and will help with charley horses, which I happen to get nightly!  At least it was a pretty great end to a rather un-great day!  :-) Having hopefully thoughts that tomorrow at work will be better than today!  (More about the work week later)
"Aerobics:  a series of strenuous exercises which help convert fats, sugars, and starches into aches, pains, and cramps.  ~Author Unknown"


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What would possess someone to urinate on a window?

Needless to say that was the question that has plagued me all weekend...Monday...Tuesday....and today.  I guess I should first start off by telling you that this is what I dealt with last week at work.  One of the lovely students that I work with decided to urinate on a front of his peers...who told on him.  So he was suspended for quite a while...But it has really been bugging me What would possess someone to urinate on a window?  Is there some sort of self satisfaction in it?  and Why a window?   How gross!!!! ugh! AND this student is definitely old enough to  know that this behaviors is...unacceptable at school...

So this is how the events happened....
1.  Student urinates on window.
2.  Peers laugh hysterically and think oh my stars he is nuts.
3.  Peers then tell on said student.
4.  Student gets questioned by Assistant Principal.
5.  Student lies and denies ever doing such atrocious acts.
6.  Principal comes in and gives said student a chance to clear his name and to be honest and he said that if he figures out who did "it" then the incident would not be turned over to the police.
7.  Student then decides to be honest and he admits it.
8.  Student gets suspended for days and days...

This was my first experience dealing with a student who urinated on a window and I truly hope it shall be my last. can't fix crazy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

National Clean Off Your Desk Day!!!

Soooo as today was National Clean Off Your Desk Day I was compelled to clean ...well....not my desk...but my spare bedroom.  I completely took everything out of the "junk" closet and organized it and put things where they REALLY belong and then put most of the things back in some reasonable order!  The reason I chose to do this was because my desk at work was already clean!  So why waste a perfectly good National Clean Off Your Desk Day if you desk is already clean...just clean something else!  Woot!  I'm feeling quite accomplished!  

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Happy 2011!!! I do believe that this is going to be an extraordinary year! I am really looking forward to what the future will bring!  My best friend is getting married and I am the wedding coordinator for two other weddings!  Which is really exciting for me because I love all things wedding! 

So I would like to have some achievable goals for 2011!  In the years past I've made goals that I just cannot achieve so hopefully this year might be a little different!

My Goals:
1.  Finish three scrapbooks!  (One from Vegas, One from the Bahamas and one of the pup)
2.  I would like to have better oral hygiene. 
3.  Become more organized (clean out the spare bedroom).
4.  Play the piano more often.

So I think these are all things that I can achieve!  Woot!  :-)